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Strategic Communications Portfolio

Every company, campaign, or project requires a visionary. Someone who sees the values, the brand, the stakeholders and the mission, with the enthusiasm, creativity and top-line planning to push that campaign to success.

The documents in this portfolio explore themes in sectors of: arts, politics, mining, corporate, small business, independent, sponsorship funding, grant funding, and charity.

Scroll down to view Sienna's portfolio of work:
These documents are presented in categories that fall into the campaign process outlined below.

Campaign Process


Research and Analysis
(The Why)

Analysis reports include project insights, risk analysis, stakeholder identification and background information. This is to ensure a clear overall vision and assessment of future campaign.

Prepare and Strategise
(The What)

Business strategies define the projects: the brands, the goals, the objectives, the messages, the processes, the media strategies. This defines the campaign.

Project Planning
(The How, When & Who)

Top-line implementation plans define the specifics of how the strategies will be implemented. Timelines, schedules, budgets, who's involved, sponsorship and grant proposals. 

Campaign Implementation
(The Outcome & Evaluation)

The full campaign is now publicly implemented. The outcome of the campaign is continuously measured, evaluated and adapted to circumstances.

Feature Campaign Encompassing Full Process

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DPIRD Responsible Fishing Campaign

An end-to-end educational marketing campaign, inspiring change for responsible fishing.

Includes: campaign and media strategy, a video production plan, key messages, field interviews, risk assessment, social media plan, demographic analysis, and media evaluation.

Full Portfolio

Portfolio Shortcuts

Analysis Reports

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Mission Australia WA Moratorium Report

An issues evaluation report regarding the impacts of the end of the WA moratorium on Mission Australia.

Includes: executive summary, issues overview, impact assessment, risk evaluation, management goal and recommendations.

Business Strategy

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Fortescue 2021 Media Strategy Proposal

A business landscape assessment and media strategy for Fortescue.

Includes: company assessment, business landscape overview, project opportunities, media target and strategy.

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Fortescue 2021 Media Kit

A complete media relations plan regarding Fortescue's 2021 developments.

Includes: media outlets analysis and rationale, planned journalist correspondence, official media release and fact sheet, FMG media assessment and media images.

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PMW Digital Business Strategy

Complete digital business strategy for the 'Perth Music Website' to become the premier platform to relaunch the Perth music scene.

Includes: opportunity statement, problem definition, background and economic assessment, stakeholder analysis and media messaging, business strategy and evaluation plan.

Project Planning

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Gillette Product Launch Event Plan

'Ladies of Venus', a local event campaign plan to create awareness around the launch of a new product.

Includes: event specifics, objectives, guest experience, strategy and concept, media material, health and safety plans, and risk evaluation.

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ECU Jinjeederdup Film Festival Event Proposal

A creative event proposal for a film festival screening Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander filmmakers for an ECU open day event.

Includes: event definition, logistics and prerequisites, a promotional advertising and media plan, event strategy and specifics, design development, photography plans, and event schedule.

Mobirise Website Builder
Gillette Sponsorship Proposal to WA Cancer Council

A sponsorship proposal to the WA cancer council for the event campaign 'Ladies of Venus'.

Includes: company and event overview, accessible target audiences and stakeholders list, exclusive sponsorship opportunities and bonuses, and investment statistics.

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DPIRD Responsible Fishing Campaign

An end-to-end educational marketing campaign, inspiring change for responsible fishing.

Includes: video production plan, field interviews, risk assessment, demographic analysis, and media evaluation.


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Australian Greens Victoria 2021 Campaign

A complete political campaign for The Greens electorate of Melbourne Adam Bandt.

Includes: campaign and media strategy, stakeholder analysis, key messages, electoral promotional materials, media communications plan, social media materials, electoral speech, preplanned Q&A's, and media conference preparation.

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Child Dental Health 'Shinning Smiles' Campaign

A health campaign to lower the rates of tooth decay in children through a creative education plan.

Includes: objectives, campaign insight and concept, target audiences and stakeholders, campaign strategies, tools and tactics, evaluation and measurement, and implementation plan.

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Minerals Research Institute of WA 2023 Campaigns

Campaigns undertaken in 2023 for MRIWA.

Includes: Advancing Net Zero Mining WA Conference, 2022-23 MRIWA Annual Report, Science Communication Awards, News and Events, Focus Areas.

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Perth Internet of Things Awareness Campaign

Promotional awareness campaigns to future-proof emerging technology talent of WA. 

Includes: Two awareness videos, 'Smart City: Talk To Things Around Perth' and 'Perth Internet of Things Community'.

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Chelsea Elder Flagship Music Video Campain

C.E.M flagship music video produced for global distribution.

Includes: Launch music video titled 'Don't Listen to This'

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